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OK AristoRod 69 (13.29) 1,2mm 18kg (221)

Produktnummer: 1B29126910
EAN: 7330129215935
Salgsenhet: Kg ( Selges i Spole à 18.0 Kg )
Forpakningsinfo: 1 Spole = 18.0 Kg
inkl. mva.
Det tilkommer legeringstillegg på dette produktet.
221 Råmaterialtillegg lavlegert MAG/TIG 221

The non copper coated OK AristoRod 69 is a low-alloyed, chromium-nickel-molybdenum (0,3% Cr, 1,4% Ni, 0,25% Mo), solid wire for GMAW of high tensile strength steels requiring tough weld metal for critical applications. Also suitable when high impact strength at lower temperatures is required. The AristoRod wires are suitable for operating at high currents with maintained disturbance free wire feeding giving a stable arc with a low amount of spatter. OK AristoRod 69 delivered in the unique Esab Octagonal Marathon Pac is excellent in mechanised welding applications.

Merke ESAB
aws ER110S-G
Forpakning Spole
Salgsenhet Kg
Legering 221
EAN 7330129215935
size.weight 0.0 g
size.length 0.0 cm
size.width 0.0 cm
size.height 0.0 cm
Min side